What is Lyonia?
Lyonia is an electronic, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal devoted to the fast dissemination of current ecological research and its application in conservation, management, sustainable development and environmental education. Manuscript submission, peer-review and publication are entirely handled electronically. As articles are accepted they are automatically published as "volume in progress" and immediatelly available on the web. Every six months a Volume-in-Progress is declared a Published Volume and subscribers receive the table of Contents via e-mail.
Lyonia seeks articles from a wide field of disciplines (ecology, biology, anthropology, economics, law etc.) concerned with ecology, conservation, management, sustainable development and education in mountain and island environments with particular emphasis on montane forest of tropical regions.
In its research section Lyonia published peer-reviewed scientific papers that report original research on ecology, conservation and management, and particularly invites contributions that show new methodologies employing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. The sustainable development and environmental education section contains reports on these activities.
The Manuscript text (including title, abstracts, references, excluding figures and tables) should not be longer than 3000 words (about 25.000 characters including spaces). Longer manuscripts however might be considered for publication, if importance of content merits a more detailed description.
Manuscripts should be English, Hawaiian or Spanish. Authors must provide an English translation of the title, abstract and legends of tables and figures if the article is in Hawaiian or Spanish. It will be assumed that papers submitted are original and have not been published elsewhere. However, papers or abstracts of papers originally published in a language other than English, and/or published as intramural research reports will be considered. A manuscript previously published on a personal or institutional homepage or ftp site is considered a preprint and not a previously published work, and thus eligible for publication in Lyonia.
Editing and reviewing
The Editor-in-Chief makes an initial appraisal of each manuscript. If the toipic is within scope of Lyonia and the manuscript is prepared according to the instructions for authors it is assigned to 2-3 reviewers. Once the review process is completed, the final decision about acceptance or rejection is made by the Editor-in-Chief
Authors are not told who reviewed their paper, and reviewers are not told who wrote a paper. Reviewers are however informed of the identity of the authors after the manuscript has been either accepted or rejected, as to enable them to contact the authors if they wish to do so.
Although a decision on a manuscript is normally reached within 1-2 months of submission, and all processes are accelerated by the use of electronic communication, high-quality review standards are applied, which may cause delays in obtaining review results.